Paper Tissue Show 2025

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Mondi, a global leader in packaging and paper, has started up its new speciality kraft paper machine at its Steti mill in the Czech Republic. The €67 million investment in the machine makes it Europe’s first dedicated paper machine for speciality kraft paper grades made out of fresh and recycled fibre for retail and online shopping bags. The paper machine will produce up to 130,000 tonnes of speciality kraft paper per year, meaning Mondi will have the largest product port Read more...

Valmet supplies a Valmet IntelliTissue 1600 tissue making line to Chinese tissue producer C&S. The new line will be installed at the company’s mill in Tangshan, China. The start-up is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022. The order was included in Valmet’s orders received of the first quarter 2021. The value of the order will not be disclosed. However, a project of this size and scope is typically valued at around EUR 5-10 million. Valmet IntelliTissue m Read more...

Valmet will supply two Valmet IntelliTissue 1600 tissue machines for Liaoning Yusen tissue mill located in the county of Tai'an, Liaoning province, China. The order is included in Valmet's orders received of the second quarter 2022. The value of the order will not be disclosed. The total value of an order of this type and delivery scope is typically around EUR 6–8 million. Valmet IntelliTissue machines belong to the small and medium size tissue machines that Read more...