Paper Tissue Show 2025

Our Guaranteed ROI Programs

Email Marketing

Send exclusive business emails to 110,000+ contacts. Gain actionable insights on customer behaviour, industry trends and future prospects.

Right Message to the Right Audience with the Right Pitch.
A Partial List of Job Roles
Presidents Project Managers Purchase Engineers
Vice Presidents Project Engineers Purchase Heads
Directors Project Incharges Inventory Heads
CEOs Operation Managers Business Analysts
CMOs Production Owners Process Owners

** And many more…

Exclusive Services Offered
Email Message Ideation Message Design and Production with Optimised Viewing Standards Testing (phase-level for multi-language, multi-country messages)
Email Broadcast Reporting Inclusive Performance Analysis and Insights
Get a fresh outlook on
High Open and Click-Through Rates (CTR).
Our Exclusive Email Marketing Program comes with Guaranteed ROI Assurance.

Banner Advertising

Influence thousands of relevant industry professionals through our wide ranging
Banner/Display Advertising options.

  • Custom Global & Geo-Targeted Banner Advertisements.

  • No-Programming, No Position Bidding - Get 100% SOV (share of voice).

  • Wide range of display options available – all optimised for multi-device consumption and impact.

  • Performance reporting, analysis and actionable insights for generating optimum ROI.

A Partial List of Job Roles
Presidents Project Managers Purchase Engineers
Vice Presidents Project Engineers Purchase Heads
Directors Project Incharges Inventory Heads
CEOs Operation Managers Business Analysts
CMOs Production Owners Process Owners

** And many more…

Exclusive Services Offered
banner advertising
Banner Advertising
Visitor Behaviour
Our Banner Advertising Program comes with Guaranteed ROI Assurance.

E - Newsletter

Reimagine Brand Augmentation with our Industry and Product newsletter.

  • Exclusive Branding Opportunity through Newsletter sponsorship.

  • Targeted Reach to 110,000+ opt-in subscribers.

  • Designed for multi-device consumption.

  • Place your message along with PAT’s high calibre authoritative content.

  • Reports, Insights & Analysis on the audience behaviour & Market preference.

Global Subscriber Database – 110,000+
A Partial List of Job Roles
Presidents Project Managers Purchase Engineers
Vice Presidents Project Engineers Purchase Heads
Directors Project Incharges Inventory Heads
CEOs Operation Managers Business Analysts
CMOs Production Owners Process Owners

** And many more…

Exclusive Services Offered
Newsletter Sponsorship Banner Presence Newsletter cover story
Interview publishing Reporting & Analysis
Covered with Guaranteed ROI Assurance.

Social Media Marketing

  • Magnify your social footprint, see you message reach our 1000s of active industry contacts.

  • Building relationships with people.

  • Engage with their prerequisites & add value to their experience.

Prominent Social Channels and Reach-out
Social Reach Reach-Out Regions
LinkedIn North America
Twitter Europe
Facebook APAC
Organic Promotions Paid Promotions
Social Media Programs are covered under Guaranteed ROI Assurance.


Showcase your subject matter expertise, open meaningful dialogue/discussions with the audience that matter and generate highly qualified leads.

  • Ideal for product training and launch.

  • New technology induction.

  • Process Innovation.

  • Industry Innovation.

  • Market Trends & Insights.

What you can expect –
  • Dedicated marketing promotions page.
  • Recording & conversion of webinar into MP4 format
  • End-to-end editorial, production and marketing services.
  • On-Demand webinar hosting.
  • Live polling and metrics.
  • Webinar moderation.
  • Hosting live Q&A.
  • Marketing –
    • Email Marketing (eBlasts).
    • Social Media Promotions.
    • Display Advertising.
    • Reminder Emails.
Exclusive Services Offered
Live Webinar Hosting Webinar Material Production. Webinar Promotions.
On-Demand Webinar Marketing Account Based Webinar Marketing
Guaranteed results in Registrations, Attendees & Visitor Engagements.

Content Marketing

Used for -
  • Sharing and promoting business ideas.

  • Innovative trends.

  • Futuristic roadmaps.

  • Propagate capabilities

All Consumable formats on the Web is Content
Some Examples
Hosting Webinar Series Info graphics
Expert Interviews Press Releases
Industry Insights Technical Document
Original Research Papers Technical Videos
Podcasts Articles
Whitepapers E-book
All Content Marketing Programs comes with Guaranteed ROI Assurance

Custom Marketing Programs

  • Custom marketing solution for your specific marketing endeavour.

  • Geo-targeted optimised campaign designs with multi-language support.

  • Highly targeted solution designs.

  • Data driven campaign optimisation programs.

All our assignments have clear definitions of deliverables wrt quality, quantity, time-line and impact cases.

Custom Programs are covered with Guaranteed ROI Assurance.

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