How pulp and paper industry is affected by ICT in terms of paper usage

Pulp and paper industry is affected by ICT in terms of paper usage

ICT known as Information and Communication Technology is the multitude devices sector based on the technology. ICT has significant impact on pulp and paper industry. The paper dematerialization on the ICT basis has been forecasted to reduce consumption of global paper which is consuming present to 13 percent and expecting an annual savings for 70 million tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction by introducing computerized billing and filing and invoicing etc. it is estimated that 25 percent is eliminated from the paper which is using being replaced by e-paper and in return it results in saving potential balance to 2020. These are just two forecasts for the paper saving potentiality that led by various ICT applications.

But the question arises here is about how it is going to be happen and what recent reports are saying to us is according to e-business watch, growth in paper consumption has recorded an outperformance for GDP growth from 1991 and while GDP has raised by 25 percent in the Europe among the period of 1991 and 2004 and consumption of paper has grown by 40% during that period. It is noticed very dramatically that in paper consumption there is an increment in late 1990’s. The revolution happened at the same time is I the form of ICT which got near for offices and households with the internet. Moving to 21st century it seems to continue. In a survey was conducted between the 600 Swiss companies were taken into consideration, there is observation that a 20 percent increase in paper consumption in 2000 to 2005. In spite of this fact, there are 70 percent organizations used few software’s for their document management purpose. In reality it comes under digital data and printing hardcopies happened parallel.

So, here what we can come to conclusion is that in terms of macro and micro scale industries and their trends about ICT impacts on the actual consumption of paper is that ICT and e-business can’t made significant contributions to get ease on the effects by environmental on production of paper. The growth in economy that emerging is the single and most significant factor for governing the demand for paper and pulp globally and given out competition for paper substances through ICT based services.

Might this perspective is observed as an outdated one and like economic recession to play field for most of businesses and including paper industry. Sales for paper are plunged globally and at the same time ICT applications have grown extensively like smart phones and social media. Between 2008 and 2009, there is an dramatic change in paper and pulp industry that advertising in mobile and internet raised 33 percent and 2.5 percent correspondingly.