Paper Tissue Show 2025

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Mondi, a global leader in packaging and paper, has started up its new speciality kraft paper machine at its Steti mill in the Czech Republic. The €67 million investment in the machine makes it Europe’s first dedicated paper machine for speciality kraft paper grades made out of fresh and recycled fibre for retail and online shopping bags. The paper machine will produce up to 130,000 tonnes of speciality kraft paper per year, meaning Mondi will have the largest product port Read more...

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 27, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The forest industry is a key economic sector in British Columbia (BC), providing 32% ($14.1 billion) of B.C.’s total exports and close to $1 billion in revenue to the provincial government in 2017. The sector is also the primary employer in many parts of the Province and forestry related activities directly s Read more...

The electricity cost for Lessebo Paper has unprecedently increased from €3 million to €19 million per year. The drastically increased electricity price is forcing Lessebo Paper to halt production as of today Wednesday, August 31. A decision for production will henceforth be taken daily depending on the electricity price. The spot price for electricity in south of Sweden, has significantly increased for the past months. Today Wednesday, August 31, the electricity price is a Read more...