Durrer Spezialmaschinen AG

Durrer Spezialmaschinen AG

Calendariaweg 2 6405 Immensee Switzerland

Fully Automatic Sticky Notes & Film Markers HANA

Fully Automatic Sticky Notes & Film Markers HANA

Fully automatic sticky notes & film markers HANA, adhesive notes are glued into envelopes with a standard hotmelt adhesive: made up of all the individual parts to form a finished combination set. The result is a high-quality product. Features: short set-up and changeover times, easy operation via touch display, industry 4.0-ready, low maintenance.

Products - Combi sets, Film marker sets, Sticky notes with cardboard, polyprop or book cover envelopes

Option - Leporello sheets glued into softcover / Format: min. 78 x 48 mm and max. 92 x 64 mm

Typical formats sticky note pad - Min.: 50 x 72 mm, Max.: 125 x 72 mm, Thickness max. 10 mm

Typical formats open Cover - Min.: 72 x 112 mm, Max.: 125 x 170 mm

Typical formats Marker set - 72 x 50 mm

Cycle speed - Max. 1'600 cycles/h

Manpower - One person / 100% manpower

Changeover times - Application change: 0 to 5 minutes, format change: 10 to 20 minutes, combination set on fanfold: approx. 30 minutes

Adhesive - Hotmelt

Adhesive design - Caterpillars / Interrupted caterpillars / Dots (Various other adhesive designs can be freely selected and saved via the adhesive application system)

Adhesive system - Robatech / 5 litre tank capacity / Glue head with 4 jets

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