FiberLean Technologies

FiberLean Technologies

Königstraße 1, 41460Neuss – Germany

AboutFiberLean Technologies

The leading global producer of Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC)

FiberLean® Technologies

FiberLean® Technologies is the leading global producer of Microfibrillated Cellulose (MFC). Our process is robust, reliable and scalable. The product coming out of the FiberLean® Technologies proprietary process is a MFC-mineral composite. The mineral plays an essential role in the transfer of mechanical energy, transforming regular pulp into MFC. This also allows the use of robust and reliable industrial equipment.

 Our mission is to further industrialize and proliferate the use of Micro and Nano Cellulosics. These natural, renewable, abundant, high performance materials have the power to lead a material science revolution towards a more sustainable future. FiberLean® Technologies is continuously establishing collaborations with leading market players and institutions to develop the applications that will make our vision a reality.

Our process is robust, reliable and scalable

The product coming out of the FiberLean® Technologies proprietary process is a MFC-mineral composite. The mineral plays an essential role in the transfer of mechanical energy, transforming regular pulp into MFC. This also allows the use of robust and reliable industrial equipment.

 A wide range of pulp species can be fed into the process and no pretreatment is required. A number of different minerals, such as Calcium Carbonate, Kaolin, Graphite, Talc and many others can be used.

 FiberLean® Technologies MFC plants are available in different capacities ranging from one thousand to over ten thousand tons of FiberLean® MFC per year. The capacity and flexibility of the plants has made use of FiberLean® MFC in full-scale papermaking a reality.

Higher MFC content composites are used to minimize incoming filler and maximize strength enhancement.

 Lower MFC content composites are used to achieve maximum filler increase and fiber replacement.