Fedrigoni Cartiere Spa

Fedrigoni Cartiere Spa

Viale Pietro Milani 31-33, Fabriano, The Marches, 60044, Italy

AboutFedrigoni Cartiere Spa

Tradition, inspiration, innovation. Since 1264 we have been putting hands and natural fibers in the pulp to produce an extraordinary and unique product: our paper, the beautiful paper .

Fabriano is creativity. Fabriano is expression, Fabriano is free paper to give space to your ideas.

Since 2002 Fabriano has been part of the Fedrigoni Group, a company specializing in the production and sale of special papers, from packaging to graphics, and premium solutions for the world of self-adhesive.

With more than 750 years of history, 4 production plants all in Italy, more than 550 people and 3000 products in the catalog, Fabriano paper is part of the Italian cultural heritage and every year is chosen by millions of students and artists in Italy and in the world.

Every creative act begins with one hand. And it is with a hand dipped in pulp of macerated cotton fibers that our story began, the result of ancient knowledge handed down from generation to generation.

We have treasured that care and passion in the processing of details to obtain today, every day, products without equal in the world of paper. Since 1264, we have been writing our story while we tell a thousand others: yours.