BPM Inc.

BPM Inc.

200 West Front Street PO Box 149 Peshtigo, WI 54157

AboutBPM Inc.

Extensive knowledge of packaging processes and equipment combine with new technology to create better performing products for our customers, developing a unique value for you while meeting the diverse needs of your customers.

BPM is passionate about quality. Our pledge to you is high quality products and services.  Our papers demonstrate our commitment to high standards in manufacturing and design, matched by the responsive service you expect.

We work with you to find solutions for your unique requirements and stand behind the products we manufacture with unmatched support of generations of papermaking.

Environmentally Focused

BPM is dedicated to looking ahead.

We work to understand  the trends that will shape your business in the future and move swiftly to build a path toward tomorrow. We're preparing for the future today, making long-term commitments with you, charting a course for our business together and providing solutions for you, our valued customers.

BPM is committed to environmental stewardship.

Our company looks for opportunities where we can help customers make a difference - saving trees, reducing landfill space, waste water, greenhouse gases, and minimizing energy consumption by producing environmental papers that meet your needs.