Coldwater Group, Inc.

Coldwater Group, Inc.

1396 Chattahoochee Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30318, United States

Air Load Tubes

Air Load Tubes

Coldwater offers suction roll air loading tubes made from either blue Vincon or Neoprene tubing, and fittings in 316 stainless steel.

We stock tubing in all common metric and U.S. diameters, and can provide fully assembled tube sets or bulk spools for customer assembly. Fittings, plugs, ferrules, and stems from all major machine builders are in stock and also available in bulk. We also stock spaghetti tubes, closed cell foam side seals and protective rubber cushions for the bottom of the seal holder.

Crimpers, dies, and components for assembling customers’ own tubes are also available.

Leak Prevention

Excessive load tube pressure will cause over-expansion of the tube in the relief notches on the bottom of each end of the seal. This is a common cause of tube failure. Coldwater shrink tubes eliminate this problem by preventing tube expansion into this open area. Assembled sets are provided with our unique “Leak Prevention” shrink tube over the connection between the tube and ferrules.

Blue Vincon Air Load Tubing/Industrial Grade PVC Tubing–Formulation C-50C-D5

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