Demand surges upon price hike by GD board market in the UK

23 April 2015

GD board producers have set their sights on increasing prices on the UK market. Their demands are underpinned by seasonally strong demand.

Demand for board in the UK is seasonally strong and also brisker than in April 2014. The chocolate and Christmas seasons are just around the corner, and the industry is getting ready. Nonetheless, not all board suppliers or box manufacturers had their forecasts come true in April. Demand was pretty patchy depending on the sector, insiders cautioned.

GD manufacturers are currently eyeing hikes in the UK. Converters interviewed by EUWID feel that there is no reason to raise prices and that there is no room for increases of any kind.

Suppliers appear to be taking a differentiated approach to their announcements. British customers invoiced in euros are to pay the full hike, one supplier said. Customers that had been given price adjustments of varying degree to reflect the currency situation are to have this amount reflected: the smaller the currency related rebate, the less prices would now rise. It is evident that these announcements have stopped the downward spiral in both GD and GC board prices for now.